Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Is hydrogen flammable?

Hydrogen is only flammable when oxygen is present. Storage tanks, hoses, and valves do not contain enough oxygen for a fire to start (0.5% or less). If a hose gets punctured and a leak occurs, then hydrogen would mix with air in the environment, and if a source of ignition (spark) occurs near that leak location then a fire could start, but excess flow shut-off valves are incorporated into our systems so that the supply of hydrogen is immediately cut off if leaks occur, preventing hydrogen from feeding the fire. Furthermore, fast-acting pressure relief devices mounted on engine crank cases prevent engine fires that might originate from gas build-up inside the crank case.

Will the hydrogen tank in my trunk break open during a rear-end collision accident?

Storage cylinders for hydrogen gas are designed to endure powerful impacts. For example, a hydrogen tank tested by Powertech Labs resisted 165 tons of force during a crush test using a hydraulic ram. Reference: (see pg. 30)

Can my storage tank explode?

Fueling stations have protocols in place to ensure that overfilling of tanks does not happen, preventing the internal pressure from exceeding the storage tank’s maximum limit. Additionally, in case of extreme heat from a car fire or other event, the thermally-activated pressure relief device (TPRD) senses increased temperature and will evacuate hydrogen from the tank through a pipe that leads to the air outside the vehicle, so that over-pressurization from heat cannot occur. This follows the UNECE’s technical regulations on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles.

If you have any further questions, please contact us!